We are proud to introduce a new unique online, computerized mezuzah verification service.

Long-distance and online Mezuzah checking is finally here. Thanks to our technology, many families that are too far from a good quality Sofer or Magiah (a specially trained person that inspects the Kosher status of Mezuzahs), can now make sure that their Mezuzah is Kosher.
From the comfort of your home, you can scan or photograph your Mezuzah, and we will send you the verification results after a computer analysis. Our software is the same one used to verify Sifrei Torah worldwide.
In most cases, the service will provide you with computerized checking only. It is important to understand that even computerized checking, has to be done by a trained person, and a computer alone is not able to check a Mezuzah. We analyze the data and review the computer results, and we may consult a Posek and/or a Magiah when needed.
To sign up for the service please fill out the form below and you will receive instructions on how to scan/photograph your Mezuzah, as well as a payment link.
Most of our clients can easily handle their Mezuzahs, but care should be taken. When returning the Mezuzah to an outside door, special care should be taken to properly wrap it so it doesn’t get weather damaged. We are available for full consultation during the entire process.
We hope to provide the results within 24-48h unless further consultation is needed. You will receive a results sheet for each Mezuzah, with the level of Kashrut and further recommendations.
The price is only USD$10 per mezuzah.

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If not now, when?

Its time to Check your Mezuzah

Let’s be honest, since your Mezuzah was hanged it was never checked. You really wanted to but you have been too busy with the kids, work, and even the community. Perhaps the closest reliable person to check it is a good hour away, that’s if you can even find such a person.
I don’t judge you. We all tend to procrastinate…
I know some people who were sure their Mezuzahs were Kosher since they bought Mezuzahs from such reliable scribes.. what could be the problem? Well, they found out their Mezuzahs faded, cracked and it was Pasul.
According to the OU site, the Shulchan Aruch says that a Mezuzah at one’s private home should be checked twice every seven years.
I sincerely hope no bad surprises will come your way, but grab the chance now, don’t leave it for tomorrow.

Still Not Sure this is for You?


Computerized Mezuzah checking is not 100% reliable. Even if deemed kosher, there are certain things that we can not see. 

As an example if a Mezuzah was written on paper, not on Kosher Klaf, G-d forbid, we would not be able to identify that problem.  Therefore, it is recommended to double-check with in-person service when a chance arrives.

However, most problems can be seen from a good picture. Maybe 5% of all questions we might be unsure about, and we will recommend having a physical check done by someone.
If someone has a questionable Mezuzah, that needs physical checking, and you can not find a Magiah close by, we will gladly offer to purchase one of our high quality Mezuzah.